Thursday, May 28, 2015

It takes a lifetime...

I'm baaack......

I know I haven't been on here in a long time due to work, personal life changes, and vacation, but in the time apart I have done a lot of personal growth and I think a majority of that is due to starting this blog. Part of the reason for growth is due to the people that have come into my life in the past month or more as well as the strengthening of existing relationships. I also believe part of the reason is for the places I've been to in the last month and the divine experiences along the way.

While I wasn't writing my blog I have done a lot of other reading and research. One article that my mom sent to me that I find myself thinking about more and more lately is titled You Need Help to be a Proverbs 31 Woman. If you click on that link it will take you immediately to the article and I HIGHLY recommend you read the article because you won't be dissapointed and that's what this post is all about is my thoughts regarding the article.

What the article pretty much is saying (in a very condensed form...a nutshell if you will) is that instead of trying to live up to the Proverbs 31 expectations every single day, we should be encouraging one another and helping each other in the areas where we fall short. Now, you may disagree with this, it is afterall just someone's opinion, but it's got a good point. Instead of trying to show every single trait of the Proverbs 31 woman maybe we should accept that we only portray a handful of those traits or characteristics. And in the areas where we fall short or lack in, we can rely on our "sisters" or "girlfriends" to help fill that void. Or as you grow in your faith and grow as a woman, maybe some of these traits will grow and become stronger in you while the others remain constant. 

Let me give you an example by relating this to my life. I am not a great cook (YET) and continue to work to be better in this area, but my boyfriend's mom cooks everything home-made and is an amazing cook so maybe she can help me to grow in this area by giving me recipes or tips. I love to do sewing projects here and there, but my friend Tanya, is not as good at it so I help her in that area by teaching her what I know and also doing sewing projects for her when she needs it. I am not a morning person but I have many friends who are, so while I am the most productive later in the day, when I am sleeping or not quite awake in the morning they are getting a lot done. So in the areas where I am lacking a skill or could use some resources, I have plenty of friends and supports who can help fill that void and share their resources. This is what we should be doing! Don't expect every woman out there to be perfect in every aspect of the Proverbs 31 woman but understand that it's a life-long journey. Instead of judging others where they are lacking certain skills/traits/characteristics we should be encouraging one another to grow in certain areas or share our skills/traits to help them grow. It's a really easy concept and I encourage each one of you reading this to think about how you can use your skills and resources to help others who maybe are lacking in that area or think about the areas where you are lacking but could maybe get some guidance and support from someone a little more skilled.

Remember, no one expects you to be perfect, I surely don't. I know I'm not perfect and to be honest I don't want to be perfect, I just want to continue to grow in my faith each and every day. 

Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman is a life-long journey, but you are not alone, we are on this journey together :)

Love Always,
Stefanie :)

1 comment:

  1. Amen! You are well on your way to becoming that Proverbs 31 women, especially by recognizing that God made each and every one of us with unique qualities that we should share. Cheers to your journey!
