Sunday, March 22, 2015

A New Journey

Girlfriend. Fiance. Wife. Soulmate. Lovers. We've all got labels for those different stages in a woman's life from the time of a teenager, to becoming a young adult, through to the elderly years. As a young girl I always dreamed of someday being the best possible wife I can be. Now, as a young adult, who has been in a fair amount of relationships, I'm at this point in my life where I have just decided that I'm done searching, I am going to let God be in control and will do my best to trust him and what he has planned for my life. Now, that's easier said than done! We are not perfect people, and I don't think God expects us to be but we need to work hard to become a woman who honors God in all we do. With that being said: It is time I focus on me, myself, & I. So a few months ago I felt God telling me that I needed to start studying Proverbs 31.

Proverbs 31, in a nutshell, is words being spoken to King Lemuel from his mother, telling him what to look for in a woman, specifically what traits/characteristics his future wife must have. When you first read it, it's a little overwhelming and you feel like it's 10 women being summed up into one. Seems very unrealistic in today's world and hard to measure up to. After lots of research and studying I have come to this point where I feel I need to take the challenge and start my journey of trying to become this Proverbs 31 woman. So I'm taking this study to heart and I'm going to work every day to meet God's expectations for my life. 

I am not naive, I am very aware this may be a bumpy road (as is life) but I think it's well worth it. So if you are reading this and want to follow me on this journey feel free to follow my blog posts, or as I post them on facebook, and don't hesitate to comment your thoughts/opinions/encouragement/stories/etc!! I do hope through this journey that I touch other women who maybe feel they could benefit from this study as well or who also want to take the Proverbs 31 challenge. 

Love Always,
Stefanie :)

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