Sunday, March 29, 2015

Gossip: Be Strong & Courageous

After almost a week of trying to put that first virtue into action I must say it is a humbling experience. While I found myself successful at decreasing the Personal Time Waster's, and focusing more on my inner beauty, I see how often gossip has become an easy habit to fall into more often than not. The definition of gossip is: "idle talk; rumor; talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature". When waitressing on Friday nights, seeing local townspeople and friends, yeah it's easy to fall into that trap of gossip (rumors in a small town, talking personal about others.....yea I know it's hard to believe, but it happens!). Not only have I noticed my bad habit of gossiping but I see that quality more in others who do it as well (which is only natural I think). But I also think, that we naturally see others' faults and downfalls way easier than we see our own. I did say this was a humbling experience, but I am becoming more comfortable recognizing these weak spots in myself and being more willing to change them to glorify God. It seems like ever since I put it into words that I wanted to work on getting out of the habit of gossiping that God has been putting me in situations where I have to actively work at it (why would He do that?! LOL). 

A little bit of encouragement I want to give you is this: while it is easy to use the excuse, "Hey, everybody gossips, I'm not the only one, so what's the big deal?" This challenge is about standing out from others, therefore I am choosing to stand out and the best way to do that is to cease my gossip for starters. If you truly want to be "worth more than rubies" it is worth cutting out those nasty habits. This means not gossiping about other women (easier said than done) and not gossiping about your spouse/significant other. If you wouldn't make that comment you are about to say to your friend or spouse then don't say it to anyone else is the rule I am trying to live by. If saying those words would embarass that person then it's best left unsaid. If I truly want my future spouse to see me as a "treasure", "rare", and "priceless", then I want to decrease this habit. And I hope I'm not the only one who sees the importance in that. 

From here on out I will ask myself: "Do I really need to say anything int his situation, or do I just want ot hear myself talk?"  Another thing to ask yourself is "Are my words going to lead to gossip or to God?" 

As the week went on I also did more research on this scripture (Proverbs 31:10). Let me remind you that this scripture is encouragement for women to have noble character. While my version says, "noble" other versions that I've looked up say, "Who can find a woman of strength?" This referring to moral strength. I like to think I stand firm in my morals and beliefs. When a woman has strength in character it also means she fears God, loves truth, and hates sin. This is something I've seen myself grow in lately. Especially since starting this blog I have become more of a God-fearing woman, I am more firm in the truth, and hating sin more. It is so crazy to me how starting this blog has slowly started to change my perspective on things. It's not just changing how I see myself but it's changing the way I look at others and changing my daily perspective in general. Those are all good things! (I had no idea that this blog would be such a blessing for me!)

When others notice a woman of noble character (God-fearing, loves the truth, and hates sin), someone who truly posesses those things, it will seem unusual at first, I think. I mean it is so normal for us all to be weak in our morals every once and a while. But to stand firm in your morals, that takes strength. In the big picture, standing firm in those beliefs will only lead to more respect from others, especially that future spouse. It truly takes courage to stand firm in your morals and beliefs so this verse is almost about being a courageous woman. It's easy to be courageous and noble from day to day but the times when it is most hard to live those qualities out is in times of trials and tribulations. That is when you are truly put to the test with these qualities I believe. Honestly, what it comes down to is knowing that you will never have enough strength to get through those trials/tribulations with your own human abilities/qualities, that is why we rely on God and trust in Him to give us strength. Because, at the end of the day, you can't get through them without God. I wouldn't be the woman I am today if it weren't for my trials I've been through but I also wouldn't have the strength I have today if God hadn't carried me through those trials. 

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