Proverbs 31:13 "She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands."
So far in the Proverbs 31 study I have learned that a Proverbs 31 woman is a treasure to her husband, completely trustworthy & faithful, and shows goodness every day through her actions. Now I am learning that a Proverbs 31 woman is HARD WORKING. It's not JUST that she's hardworking though, another part of that is, her attitude. She does her work with an outstanding attitude. She is willing to work and eager to do so.
Now I want you to ask yourself (as I am doing the same thing): Do I wake up every day eager to go to work and do work around the house? I will admit that 4 out of the 5 days I am eager to go to work, afterall I love what I do, I see my job making a difference for the kids/families that I see, and it is personally rewarding (most days). I cannot, however, admit that I am eager to do housework/chores every time I need to. What woman is??
Here is what my mornings look like: My alarm goes off and a good 5 minutes later I actually start to open my eyes. I lay in bed for a good 15 minutes, reading my online devotional, looking at any new snapchats, and browsing facebook. After that I eventually roll out of bed, do my morning routine of getting dressed and preparing myself for the day. Does any of that sound like I am eager to get to work and eager to start my day? No. But the Proverbs 31 woman oozes energy and eagerness. She doesn't just roll out of bed, she jumps out of bed ready to start her day off right. She doesn't need a cup of coffee to boost her mood or give her energy, she's already got it. To be completely honest, I know women like this, and they tend to really annoy me. I am not a morning person and when I come upon those who are, who posess energy and are eager to get to work, I roll my eyes and try to avoid them because I'm not ready for that amount of energy generally. Truth is, I probably avoid them because they've got the attitude and positive energy that I secretly wish I had. I want to be one of those girls, deep down. I want others to say, "Wow! She's got a great attitude!". That's what it all stems from, my attitude.
I am constantly telling my clients, "Your self-talk is so strong! Listen to it!" What we tell ourselves, in our head, has a LOT of control over our attitude and actions every day. If you wake up and tell yourself, "Well, it's just another day, let's see what kind of crap I'm going to be dealing with today..." more than likely you're going to have a rough day, you'll be dealt a lot of "crap", and things will not run smoothly I'm sure. On the other hand, if you wake up and tell yourself, "Alright! I'm ready to tackle this day! Bring it on! I can take on anything with God on my side!" you will probably be able to take on anything and not just that but you'll have a positive attitude the entire time too. So that's where we need to start, we need to check our attitude. Work on recognizing when we have those negative thoughts slide in, kick them right out, and replace them with a positive thought. Wake up every day determined to have positive thoughts, ready to tackle whatever comes your way, and confident because you've got God on your side. I'm not saying that you have to be that overly energetic girl, you can still be you just with a positive attitude and eager demeanor.
Love Always,
Stefanie :)
Love Always,
Stefanie :)