Wednesday, April 1, 2015


What areas can you change in your own life so you can gain this character quality?

In order to truly possess the character quality of faithfulness with your husband you need to be able to say you are faithful to the Lord. In order to truly be a safe haven for your husband, you should first seek the Lord. In my opinion, it's a hierarchy: 1) God, 2) Husband, 3) Kids/Family. God should always be put first. As women, we should always seek to have a relationship with God first and then naturally things will fall into place in our relationship with our husband and then family. God did not intend for it to be any other way, like if you are putting your man at the top of the hierarchy and everyone/thing else second.

This is a daily effort for me. To constantly be putting God first. As a young woman in my 20''s hard to not constantly think about finding "The One" and to put that at the top of my to-do list. But that's what got me where I'm at now. I've just come to the realization that I am not in control of finding "The One", God is. Sometimes I think it would just be nice of Him to give me a quick glimpse to my future husband so I can stop every ounce of worry that goes through my head regarding that subject. I feel like it's not worth the worrying/overthinking/pondering, if I had control over the situation then it might be worth it but I don't have the control and so it's a waste of time to worry about it all. What it comes down to is I want to be faithful to God and by giving Him COMPLETE control and letting go of any of my worries and just giving it all to Him (Take it, God!) I am proving to Him that I want to be faithful. As I continue to tell myself this, God will continue to prove to me that He's got this. And in order to be completely faithful, that means getting rid of any ounce of doubt I have regarding God. I need to know 110% that he wants nothing but complete happiness for me and there should be absolutely no doubt in my mind. THAT is part of being faithful to God: Putting Him first but also trusting in Him with absolutely no doubt in your mind that He will provide for you. 

I truly feel that right now God is asking me to work on my priorities, if I can learn to put Him first in all areas of my life, then it will come naturally when I am married (down the road) to put him above my husband. It can be so easy for me, when in a relationship, to put the guy on a pedestal and have everything else come second. I imagine lots of girls do that exact same thing (or I hope I'm not the only one anyway). That's not what God expects of me though. I want to reach His expectations of me so that someday I will be able to reach my husband's expectations as well. In other words he will be able to trust me and know that I am faithful. It should be clear not just in my words but in my actions as well. I want it to be obvious what or who my priorities are. So for this scripture I want to improve in making God a priority in all areas of my life. 

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