Monday, April 6, 2015


How fitting that on Easter weekend I am focusing on the virtue of Faithfulness. It's fitting because I've seen God trying to instill this virtue in me daily in the last week. It's fitting because, no one, not even Jesus' own desciples were faithful to him in his last hours, they all denied him. But he still was faithful to us! That amazes me, humbles me really. It really hit me hard on Sunday morning when I was in church. We played a video of Jesus' last hours and then being nailed to the cross while an inspirational song was playing and it brought me to tears. Even though Jesus' own desciples were not faithful to him, he still died for them (and us) so that our sins can be forgiven. Even though we screw up and let him down on a daily basis, he remains faithful to us. It is THAT kind of faithfulness he wants us to show to others, specifically (for women) to your husbands. God set the "perfect" example for the kind of love he wants us to show to others and how to truly be faithful. People are always going to let us down or disappoint us (we are all only human!) but we are taught to forgive, love, and remain faithful in marriage.

In order to truly be faithful, you are called to speak the truth and earn the trust of others. That is exactly what Jesus did for us. He always spoke the truth to his desciples and others in the area. He earned the trust of others through his actions. Jesus foretold that he was going to rise three days later (after being crucified) from the tomb. That is why we celebrate Easter! That is what I mean by the "perfect" example. We, in our relationships (marriage/friendships/siblings/children), are expected to speak the truth. This means not putting each other down, not saying rude or discolored comments to each other, not making hurtful/sarcastic comments toward one another but building each other up, allowing one another to thrive as you truly are, to live with your full potential. This also means, in relationships, we are called to earn the trust of others. Do you keep things that others tell you in confidence? Or do you spread it on to others? (This goes back to my gossip post)

My devotion that I read this morning was titled "Caught in the Middle" and pretty much hit home for how I've felt lately. (Click on the link to read the devotion). To sum it up, in my own words, it's like the Easter story. We all know how the Easter story ends, Jesus rose from the dead (Happy Ending!). But it still doesn't change the fact that he went through lots of horrible pain and humiliation before that had to happen. Do we focus on that part though, all the stuff that happened in the middle?? No! And why not? Because we know that it has a happy ending so we want to focus on the good/positive. So why do I get so caught up on negative or bad things right now, I know how it's going to end, God promises happiness for each and everyone of us who believes in him. If I know that God is going to have me do great things and has a great life planned for me, then why do I get so caught up on the bad that is going to happen first to get me there?? Well my answer to that is, because I'm only human. I can't help it! I know God has happiness planned for me, I don't doubt that one bit, but knowing it doesn't seem to change the fact that I feel "caught in the middle" right now. So that's when I decided that from here on out I am going to remain faithful to him and see how he has this all play out. My best friend Meg (a very wise person indeed) told me that someday I am going to look back on all of this and see all the blessings and lessons God was trying to show me and smile. I know she's right, and I don't want to wish my life away or anything, but I can't wait for that day.

Love Always,
Stefanie :)

P.S. On a side note....Even though I know many of you who are reading this are married or in a relationship, I do want to point out that this blog isn't just geared towards married women, in fact I think it's quite the opposite. I am not married, therefore I am no expert, I am just simply sharing with you all what I have learned through my own research and through reading the Bible. But I did find this article that a really good friend of mine shared with me titled Can I Still be a Proverbs 31 Woman if I'm Single?. This article pretty much explains why I am doing this blog. I know I explained it in the beginning, but just to reiterate, these virtues aren't just something that you automatically have as a woman, once you are married. Not at all, they are virtues that you should have from the beginning and you can put into practice once you are married and continue to perfect them in the years of your marriage. If anything, my blog is encouragement for both single and married women. I highly encourage you all to read that article because it really hits home!

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