Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Till Death do us Part

"...all the days of her life."
That's how Proverbs 31:12 ends. "She birngs him good, not harm, all the days of her life."

What does that mean to you?? This is a subject I am very passionate about, personally, and could go on and on about for pages, but I am going to try and keep it somewhat condensed tonight (it's getting kind of late). 

This scripture does not say that woman is to bring goodness to her husband ONLY during the week days, or ONLY in the beginning months of marriage, or ONLY when she feels like it, or ONLY when it is convenient for her. NO....a woman is to bring goodness to her husband ALL THE DAYS OF HER LIFE. 

When you married your husband, or when you get married (for you ladies who aren't yet), you said a vow to your husband "to have and to hold....for better, for worse...in sickness, and in health....according to God's holy ordinance...". I think during the wedding day couples so often rush through these words without even thinking what they really mean. Do you even know what you meant when you were saying these words? You are vowing to be there for your husband through it all, the good times and the hard times, according to God's ordinance. God expects you to show goodness to your husband from the day you say "I do" to the day you take your last breath. If that's not a lot to take in then I don't know what is...

It's not always going to be easy to show goodness. Some days it'll probably be the last thing you want to do for your husband. Some days you'll feel like he doesn't deserve it, but honestly, that is not your judgement to make, it's God's. If God puts it in your heart to show goodness and love to your husband on your wedding day, you need to figure out a way to keep that on your heart for the rest of your life, even on days when you love each other but don't "like" each other, or even on days when you aren't speaking, I'm not saying it's easy, I'll be the first to admit that I have no doubt in my mind it is hard. But it's so worth it for the rewards God will give you (as a couple). 

When I think about saying those words: "Till death do us part" on my wedding day, it kind of puts things into perspective for me. It's heavy on my heart. I am very aware that marriage takes work, I am very aware it has its fair share of struggles from time to time. I am a child of divorce, I saw my parents' marriage crumble in front of my eyes. That's probably why I am so passionate about this subject. It can be way too easy for people, especially my generation, to give up at the first sign of weakness or hard times in a marriage. Divorce is such an easy option these days, it's pathetic in my opinion. When did we become so willing to just throw in the towel and walk away as if it meant nothing? Why aren't people willing to fight anymore? Do you want to know what I truly think?? I think that not enough couples include God in their marriage. Your marriage should always be a 3-way: Wife, Husband, & God. You leave God out, and it's a recipe for disaster. I truly, TRULY believe that there is NOTHING a marriage can't endure if God is on your side and in your marriage. And I don't think that I'm being naive by saying that either. Knowing that I have God on my side and in my life every single day, makes it easier to someday say those words "Till death do us part". If you include God in your wedding (which I'm assuming you do if you get married in a church and do the typical rituals you do in a wedding), then why wouldn't you also include him in your marriage?? If God is in your marriage, I promise you, that He will see you through it all (the good and the bad) and will not disappoint you. 

The book I am studying out of, The Proverbs 31 Woman: One Virtue at a Time, says:

"Your walk with God is the key to having peace in the midst of a struggling marriage. You cannot control your husband's walk with God - only your own. But when you faithfully pray, read God's word and obey it, it will change the course of your marriage. So do you need a change of course today?"

It's kind of a no-brainer isn't it?? The answer is obvious. Pursue God. And Pursue showing goodness to your husband ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE.

Love Always,
Stefanie :)

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